Hamburg Healing Center
A Natural Approach to Healing
Alternative Healing that Works...
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Take Your Healing & Manifesting to a Whole New Level
Home/Office REIKI Clearing & Blessing
Home/Office REIKI Clearing & Blessing or Sage Cleansing
In-Office or by Phone with Distant Clearing & Blessing
Have you ever walked into someone's home or office and your whole mood just CHANGES! Whether you went from being UP to down or down to UP, it's because you were directly affected by the ENERGY in that SPACE.
So, what causes certain spaces to bring us UP and certain spaces to bring us DOWN? EVERYTHING, everything that has happened in that space PRIOR to you entering. Let's look at different environments and WHAT causes the energy to change.
Home Clearing & Blessing - The energy in your home may still be residing from the family that lived there before you. So, not only are you dealing with your family "matters", but you may be dealing with all of the energy of the families past. Each and every time someone has a negative thought, it is released into the space. Every time there is an argument in the home, all that negative energy is released into the space.
Unfortunately, many families deal with negative issues such as bankruptcy, foreclosure, loss of employment, marital problems, divorce, loss of loved ones, "teenage years" get the point. Energy has a vibration.
All of these things lower the vibration in the home. This lower energy can affect you on all levels of your being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It can lead to physical mental and emotional illness and disease and it can test your beliefs, your faith and stray you from your Spiritual Path.
Office Clearing & Blessing - Many office buildings have a very low vibration. Again, you are not only dealing with your employees and all of their energy, but you may be dealing with all of the previous businesses that occupied the space prior. Again, just like the space in the home, every negative thought or discussion is affecting the energy in the office space.
It's not uncommon for employees to "occasionally" complain about their manager, their job, and their co-workers. Your clients, customers or patients bring all of their energy with them and it all affects the energy in your office space. This can all lead to low company moral, productivity and also affects your employees physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually.
Business Clearing & Blessing - This is a little bit different. A business clearing and blessing focuses on you, the business owner, on a more personal level versus the area or space. Starting and owning your own business is a big responsibility and can create many fears such as a fear of success and abundance. So like a Reiki Energy Healing or Chakra Clearing & Balancing, you want to CLEAR all of your energy "blocks" that concern your business.
So what exactly is a Reiki Space Clearing & Blessing? We come into your home or office and resolve and release all of the negative, low vibrating energy from your space. Most often, there are entities sharing your space which cause all of the same issues as negative energy...if not more! An entity is "something that goes bump in the night" or commonly thought of as "ghosts". Yes, they are very REAL and they do exist. BUT, an Entity is simply a Spirit that has NOT crossed over or "gone into the light". They are stuck or choose not to cross.
They take some convincing, but in the end, they all continue their journey and leave your home or office. Most of our work is done on a Spiritual level and through Spiritual Guidance. Sage, red candles and salt are used to assist with clearing the negative energy. White candles and fresh cut flowers are used to assist with bringing in new healthy, positive energy.
All sessions are private, professional and conducted by our Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Transformational Life Coach.