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Take Your Healing & Manifesting to a Whole New Level
Learn Your Chakra System
What is it and how do I balance it?
There are seven main chakras located along the spine extending out the front and back of your body. They are literally wheels or vortexes which energy flows through. Each chakra is associated with a different part of your body, your mind and your spirit. When your chakras are blocked or depleted, energy does not flow freely.
Clearing and balancing your chakras will restore harmony within. This will support your body in returning to its’ natural state of alignment and enhance your own natural healing powers.
Your Chakras may be affected by the foods you eat, the environment you are exposed to, the energy exchanges you have with others, the negative thoughts you have and all the negative experiences you have on a daily basis.
All of these things can cause "blocks" in your Chakras which can cause them to become unbalanced. This means they may spin to fast or too slow or not at all and become completely closed. This is NOT good. Each Chakra is related to and controls different areas of your life.
How to balance your Root Chakra
Root Chakra or 1st Chakra, the Muladhara The Root Chakra connects us to our physical world. Located at the base of our spine, it is the root chakra that governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.
It is important to balance this chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic stand-point, as it is widely believed that this is where we draw our life force energy from. If you are not properly grounded...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra
Also known as the 2nd, Navel or Sacral Chakra, the word Svadisthana is Sanskrit for “dwelling place of the Self”. This is the chakra that rules our physical manifestation, is the seat of our creativity and its balance determines how we see ourselves in the physical world. It is this chakra that allows us to experience our true desires, and to see the world as a magical and profound place! It governs our self-worth and our relationships with others. It is located...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
How to Balance Your Solar-Plexus Chakra
Solar-plexus or 3rd chakra, (the Manipura) is located two inches above the navel. It is your energy center and it radiates vital life energy (prana) throughout your entire body. It is where your Will Power comes from; your ability to achieve, self-esteem, raw emotions, and self-discipline are all governed by the Solar-plexus Chakra. It is where you can have a mental understanding of your emotional self.
The Solar-Plexus Chakra not only governs the emotional and mental aspect of your psyche but also your psychic experiences. Often a feeling of intuition or “gut feeling” in a certain situation will...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
How to Balance the Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra or 4th Chakra, (the Anahata) is our energy center from which love, joy, happiness and compassion emanate from. It also allows us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger, and lust, all of which are feelings of the lower heart chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may over-come them and move to the Higher Heart, where Pure, Unconditional Love exists.
It is the chakra of yang, or positive energy, connecting the lower chakras to the higher ones and is very important in your spiritual healing and evolutionary development. When it is open fully, the Heart Chakra becomes what the Buddhists call Mahakaruna, A Channel for Universal Compassion – Our True Self. It is here where we invite this Infinite Love to flow through us, allowing it to heal...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
Balancing Your Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra or 5th Chakra, the vishuddha (or vishuddhi) is the center that governs our speech and creative expression in the world. It’s balance will determine how honest you are and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our choices and through this, we discover that our choices, no matter how small or unimportant that they may seem, have consequences. It is located at the base of the throat, in the V that is formed in the center of the collarbone.
Known as the center of purification, this is where energy becomes transformed into our manifestations in the physical world. Depending on how clear or muddied this chakra is will determine our successes or failures in life. Feelings of guilt will...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra or 6th Chakra “Ajna”, this is where we connect to the mental plane of our existence. Our ideas, dreams, goals, values and our “self” image all begin here. It is by our thoughts that we are able to express ourselves in the world, and it is from our thoughts that we are able to make our dreams a reality.
In developing our inner perception through meditation we begin to understand that all events in our life happen for a reason and we see everything for what it is, not as we think it is. We begin to understand that we are the Dream Weaver in this intricately designed web of reality.
The third eye is our gateway into higher realms of...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
Balancing Your Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra or 7th Chakra, the Sahasrara is Sanskrit for “the lotus flower of 1000 petals”. It’s located at the top of our head, and it is our connection to The Divine, Our Father, just as the root chakra is our connection to Our Mother Earth. It is thought that the Archangel Metatron has govern over our Crown Chakra, bridging the gap between the Divine and Humanity.
It is this gateway that connects us both to the physical and nonphysical realm of our existence, and it is here that we find Our Divinity and become Enlightened. From this place, we realize that we are truly connected to All-There Is, and in this knowing...Click HERE to register for the Chakra Healing Therapy Class or click HERE to schedule a Chakra Clearing & Balancing Session.
Schedule Chakra Clearing & Balancing session In-Office or by Phone with Distant Healing